Double Book Review: Attachments and Eleanor & Park - Rainbow Rowell

Attachments - Rainbow Rowell Eleanor & Park - Rainbow Rowell

I recently, well when I mean recently I really mean in the last month, finished Rainbow Rowell's first two novels Attachment and Eleanor & Park.

These books have created a rather big stir in the BookTube community as well as bloggers alike, so of course I just had to read them.


Beth and Jennifer are best friends working their local newspaper. Although in different departments they constantly communicate through their internal work email, however this is against the rules.
It is a very well known fact that everyone's emails are screened, they don't know who does it, but they do know that people are given warnings and reminded that certain language and conversations are not appropriate usage of work emails. This does not deter the two girls, and they go ahead like nothing is wrong. 
Lionel is the screener. He hates his job, he is under-challenged and even though the pay is good, his life is beginning to get him down. That is until Beth and Jennifer's conversation is flagged up on his computer screen. He can't help but smile when he reads about their daily life, and he becomes attached, almost obsessed with learning all about their interesting lives.

Lionel creeped me out, I guess it was his secrecy, but his behaviour was beginning to become obsessive and rather stalker-y. If this was in real life and I had a friend that behaved like Lionel I would be seriously worried about Beth/Jennifer's safety!
It was an easy and interesting read, but nothing I would rave about. The characters are relatable and the use of Email as a way of communicating story was a nice change to first person narrative.

Star Rating: 3/5

Eleanor & Park

Set over one year Eleanor & Park tells the story of Eleanor, a new girl at school who just doesn't fit in and doesn't want to, and Park who may not be a total jock but gets by just fine by keeping quiet and a low profile. A modern day Romeo and Juliet, or so they would have you think, their love isn't an easy one. Eleanor's family life is disruptive and unhappy, while Park's is practically idyllic. It portrays a realistic painting of first young love and the difficulties of teenage life.

This book has been given such rave reviews online that I was so excited to pick it up.
I must admit, I was rather disappointed.
Eleanor was annoying as hell, and tried to push everyone and everything away. She was afraid to show emotion and just frustrated me so much. I guess that was what RR was going for, but it was not a good way of making Eleanor readable or likeable.

It was very realistic, and sometimes sweet, but the characters, particularly Eleanor, were selfish and egoistic. Not a very enjoyable read if you don't like that sort of thing.

Star Rating: A very small 3/5

Have you read either of these books? What did you think?
I'm very weary to read Rainbow Rowell's latest book Fangirl, as I was just not impressed with her previous, but I expect I will give it a go.

Happy Reading.